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Printed Art Sets

  • Tote Bag
    From £2.28 Incl. Tax: £2.74
    Min Qty: 10
    Estimated delivery: 27 May
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When you're trying to reach an audience, you should try to entertain any idea that could possibly put you in touch with your target demographic. 

One great option and one you probably haven't thought of is branded art sets. We'll cover a couple of additional promotional products to try, but keep an open mind to the benefits of the art set. 

Why Branded Art Sets?

First, if you're using promotional products anyway, why not pick something that a person can engage with? 

You're probably thinking "aren't art sets made for kids?" If kids aren't your demographic, you're not out of the water. Let's go over a couple of your art set options.

1. Basic Set

The rudimentary option is using a branded notepad, a couple of colored markers, and a stencil or two. This will serve your purpose, and is perfect for children to keep them occupied. While other products may be relegated to the dustbin, these basic arts sets are kept specifically for the kids. Perfect for your branding needs! Notepads are great for grocery lists, doodling, etc. You're looking for something that will be a bit more engaging. 

2. Markers and Coloring Book

Whether you hire an artist to create your own coloring book is up to you. Using a coloring book and markers geared toward children will be an effective way to get people involved with your promotional item. Even if you're not trying to reach kids, every time that a drawing or doodle is finished, that child will show their parent the picture. Your brand will be stamped on every page.

There's also a large trend in adult coloring books right now. These are finely created books that have complicated images to color in. They could be made with any theme in mind -- most of them pertain to a television show or different places in a particular city. 

3. Mindful Art Sets and Zen doodling

Another thing to consider is the use of mindful art sets. These are art kits that provide people with a way to use their creativity to find a sense of calm. 

The most popular way to do this is through the process of "zen doodling." This is essentially drawing lines repeatedly across the entirety of a page. The thing is, repeating a line or curve over and over can cause a person to focus entirely on what they're doing. 

It's sort of like repeating a mantra while a person is a meditation. Consider giving out a promotional set that explains how to use art in a mindful way and give the branded materials to do so. 

Read the Crowd

You should also base your decision on where the promotional item is going to be given out. If you're going to a trade show or something similar, go with the pens and pad. That way, any notes take will be on paper with your brand included. 

If you're going to a community event, consider using something that's more geared toward children like chalk, coloring books, and markers. If a branded art set doesn't really fit the style of the event you're going to, don't try to force it. You have a lot of other options, including other promotional toys, and there's bound to be something that suits your need. 

Marketing Not Your Thing?

Tactics like using branded art sets and promotional items are just the beginning of marketing. Sometimes it requires thinking on your feet and getting creative. 

Not everyone has the time or energy to brainstorm great marketing ideas, though. If you're in the position of needing some help to promote your business, contact us and we'd be happy to help. 


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